Menu suggestions


Flemish stew with brown beer, fried potatoes & salad
Focaccia with smoked salmon and salad
Focaccia with Parma ham and salad
Pizza Firenze - with Burrata, tomatoes, pine nuts, …
Pizza Verona - with Burrata, Parma ham, tomatoes, pine nuts, ...
Salad Firenze - with Burrata, tomatoes, pine nuts, ...
Salad Verona - with Burrata, Parma ham, tomatoes, pine nuts, ...

Pastries suggestions

Red Velvet

Cheesecake cream, red fruit and biscuit

Meringue Raspberry

With whipped cream and fresh raspberries

Meringue Strawberry

With whipped cream and fresh strawberries

Saint Pierre

Cheesecake with orange and raspberry with a biscuit of ginger

Apple Pie gluten-free

Apple and cinnamon

Verre Exotique gluten-free

Cream of passion fruit, vanilla cream, coulis of strawberries and crumble of coconut

Chocolate Brownie

With caramel, hazelnut and a scoop of vanilla-icecream

Fruit Pie

Whipped cream, fresh strawberries and raspberries

Chocolate mousse trio

white, milk and dark chocolate mousse (gluten-free)

Pecan Pie

Pecan nuts, caramel, biscuit and a scoop of vanilla ice cream

Coffee suggestions

Bailey's coffee with whipped cream
Bailey's chocolate with hot chocolate & whipped cream
Hot chocolate milk with speculaas syrup, whipped cream & speculaascrunch
Coffee with speculaas syrup, whipped cream & speculaascrunch